Getting Started


JSON API Client Wrapper

Quick Start

Add the JSON API package, assuming that you already have @coolio/http installed:

npm install @coolio/json-api

Declare httpClient as described in @coolio/http's and then build JSON API Client:

import { HttpClient } from '@coolio/http';
import { JsonApiClient } from '@coolio/json-api';

const httpClient = new HttpClient(/* ... */);
export const jsonApiClient = new JsonApiClient(httpClient);

Make sure that httpClient uses standard bodyParser or a parser that returns complete body of server's response (an object including at least data property).


An instance of JsonApiClient exposes a collection of get(), getList(), post(), remove(), put() and patch() methods. Each method returns a request builder. For example:

import { Data, FilterOperator, MergedData, ResolvedRelationship, RelationshipArray } from '@coolio/json-api';
import { Config } from './config';
import { jsonApiClient } from './apiClient';

// First, define Attributes and Relationships for your API models
export interface AddressAttributes {
  street: string;
  buildingNumber: string;
  city: string;
  zipCode: string;
  state?: string;
  country: string;

export type AddressData = Data<AddressAttributes>;

export interface UserAttributes {
  name: string;
  surname: string;
  email: string;

export interface UserRelationships {
  address: ResolvedRelationship<AddressData>; // This relationship will be merged as a field into User.
  devices: RelationshipArray; // The result is only an array of identifiers

// JSON API-compatible type:
export type UserData = Data<UserAttributes, UserRelationships>;
// Parsed type, for easier use in your code:
export type User = MergedData<UserData>;

// The above `User` type is equal to such structure:
interface UserDefinedManually {
  id: string;  // Identifier from JSON API
  type: string; // Type from JSON API
  self: string; // Self field from JSON API
  name: string;
  surname: string;
  email: string;
  address: {
    id: string; // Identifier from JSON API
    type: string; // Type from JSON API
    self: string; // Self field from JSON API
    street: string;
    buildingNumber: string;
    city: string;
    zipCode: string;
    state?: string;
    country: string;
  devices: string[]; // Array of identifiers extracted from JSON API's relationships

const getUsers = jsonApiClient.getList<UserAttributes>(`${Config.API_BASE_URL}/users`)
  .filter('name', 'John', FilterOperator.LIKE)
  // Pagination can be done by passing offset and limit
  // Pagination can be also done by passing page number
  // Merges the data in "included" response property into values in "data"
    // other http options that can be passed to a standard httpClient method

export const UsersRepository = {

UsersRepository.getUsers() method presented above returns a Promise<JsonListResponse<UserAttributes, UserRelationships>>. @coolio/json-api merges attributes and relationships automatically.

import { UsersRepository } from './users.repository';

UsersRepository.getUsers().then(response => {
  response.elements(); // User[]

Last updated