Getting Started

Coolio's HTTP Package

@coolio/http is a simple, yet extendable HTTP client for web apps. It features:

  • body parsing and serialization, with case-conversion support

    • raw data (ArrayBuffer)

    • JSON

    • URL-encoded

    • plain text

    • multipart (FormData)

  • extensibility via interceptors, with built-ins such as:

    • logger

    • error handler

    • redirection interceptor

  • configurable requestHandler layer, which let's you choose the underlaying mechanism used for HTTP communication

Quick start


Install @coolio/http package using npm or yarn.

npm install @coolio/http

Creating a client

You may create multiple HttpClient instances, as your application connects to various APIs and each API probably has slightly different conventions. You can initialize a HttpClient and configure it as below:

import { bodyParser, bodySerializer, BodyCasing, ContentType, HttpClient } from '@coolio/http';
import { fetchRequestHandler } from '@coolio/http/request-handlers/fetch';

export const httpClient = new HttpClient({
  baseUrl: '',
  requestHandler: fetchRequestHandler(),
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': ContentType.JSON,
  bodyParser: bodyParser({ 
    bodyCasing: BodyCasing.CAMEL_CASE,
  bodySerializer: bodySerializer({
    bodyCasing: BodyCasing.SNAKE_CASE,

In the example above, we create HttpClient instance which will route all paths to address:

  • if you request /users, the request will go to

  • if you request, the request will go to, as you specified full URL and baseUrl is not applied in such case.

Then, our httpClient uses fetchRequestHandler to deal with HTTP requests, in order to use Fetch API as request handler. Each requestHandler in coolio acts as a bridge between natively available mechanisms (such as XmlHttpRequest, Fetch API or http module available in Node.js) and RawHttpResponse. Such Raw response has to be further processed by bodyParser. BodyParser and BodySerializer automatically handle most common body types, such as JSON, URL-encoded, plain text, multipart and raw (for binary uploads). As a result we get a nicely processed HttpResponse, which lets us get response body, headers and status code of a response.

You can find all options directly in HttpClientConfig API docs.


httpClient allows you to perform requests using all basic http methods. See HttpRequestOptions to check what can be passed there.


You may use the repository pattern to separate API requests from other code. You can use previously defined HttpClient as below:

import { httpClient } from './httpClient';
import { User } from './user.types';

const getUsers = async (page: number, limit = 10): Promise<User[]> => {
  const response = await httpClient.get('/users', {
    query: {
  return await response.parsedBody();

const getProfile = async (): Promise<User> => {
  const response = await httpClient.get('/users/me');
  return await response.parsedBody();

export const UserRepository = {

After doing the following, you can simply call UserRepository.getProfile() to receive the Promise returning User object.

Another way of dealing with repositories is to use class-based approach:

import { bodyParser, bodySerializer, BodyCasing, ContentType, HttpClient } from '@coolio/http';
import { fetchRequestHandler } from '@coolio/http/request-handlers/fetch';

export class BaseRepository {
  protected client: HttpClient;

  constructor(baseUrl = '/'){
    this.client = new HttpClient({
      baseUrl: `${baseUrl}`,
      requestHandler: fetchRequestHandler(),
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': ContentType.JSON,
      bodyParser: bodyParser({ 
        bodyCasing: BodyCasing.CAMEL_CASE,
      bodySerializer: bodySerializer({
        bodyCasing: BodyCasing.SNAKE_CASE,

export class UserRepository extends BaseRepository {
    super('/users'); // baseUrl is now
  async getUsers(page: number, limit = 10): Promise<User[]> {
    const response = await this.client.get('/', {
      query: {
    return await response.parsedBody();

  async getProfile(): Promise<User> {
    const response = await this.client.get('/me');
    return await response.parsedBody();

export const userRepository = new UserRepository();

Advanced Use Cases

If you happen to use JSON API, you may benefit from using a wrapper library that handles most of it's specs:

npm install @coolio/json-api

See @coolio/json-api docs for details.

Last updated